Our SAT® Exam Score Improvement Results
Average Score Improvement
In 2016, the SAT® exam changed from a 2400-point test to a 1600-point test. In order to paint an accurate picture of our students' score improvements over time, our data reflect scores from seven summers: the first six teaching the 2400-point test, and the seventh summer (2016), teaching the redesigned 1600-point test. In order to construct a single weighted average, we converted our 2010-2015 scores into a 1600-point metric.
203 points - our overall average score improvement for all students
How We Calculate Our Results
For purposes of calculating score improvements, we break students into two categories:
students who have never done test prep before camp
students who have spent months or even years working with other teachers or programs
Most programs find that students who are not as familiar with the SAT® exam increase their scores more in a new program than those who have already spent time familiarizing themselves with the test.
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The average score improvement for students who began their SAT® instruction with SSA was 240 points (out of 1600), measured from their initial diagnostic score to their highest overall superscore, which is the sum of their highest Verbal section score and their highest Math section score.
The average score improvement for students who came to SSA having previously studied the SAT® with another program or tutor was 135 points (out of 1600), calculated in the same way.
These averages been generally consistent from summer to summer.
The overall average for all students (those with previous test prep experience and those with none) was 203 points (out of 1600).
Explaining the Above Metrics
The above numbers reflect average score improvements in superscore for our three-week program, as measured from the initial diagnostic test through the final practice test. Though the above numbers are substantially accurate, we do not, and cannot, offer any individual student or parent a guarantee of how any student will perform, or guarantee that future averages will reflect prior numbers generally or individually. It is not always possible to predict in advance precisely which students will most benefit from our program, and every student is unique.
To that end, we encourage parents and students interested in the program to contact us to discuss whether SSA is the best pedagogical choice. Ultimately, we encourage students to sign up not based on our average score improvements (which we provide only as general evidence of the success of our program), but because they believe SSA will be a good pedagogical fit for their learning needs.