FREE College Access Resources
Does this college have what I'm looking for?
By finding the best college match you not only position yourself to make the most informed decision but you also increase your chances of admission. This can also lead to a more competitive financial package! Read more…
Recommendation Letter Template
Did you know that there's a new, better, and faster layout for recommendation letters that NACAC - the National Association of College Admission Counselors - has approved for college apps? Read more…
Guide: Official SAT Practice Tests
Did you know that the College Board has released EIGHT FULL-LENGTH practice SAT tests? Well, now you do - and you can find them all in this downloadable, complete with answer keys, answer explanations, and scoring guides. Read more…
Debunked: 9 SAT Myths
Just how important are standardized tests, really? Am I just naturally good or bad at the SAT exam? It’s hard to know what's true about the SAT exam - and what's actually a myth. In DEBUNKED: SAT prep's 9 biggest myths, we set the record straight about the most common myths we've seen about the SAT exam. Read more…
9 Steps to Forming an SAT Habit
Your SAT score won’t go up without sustained practice. Luckily, right now students have an unparalleled amount of time on their hands. Here are our 9 steps to work smarter, not harder, and truly commit to increasing your score. Read more…
Test Day Checklist
What do I need to bring to the SAT? What do I need to do the night before? Here is your complete guide to everything you need to know to be completely prepared on test day. Read more…
Watch an #AskAlyssa Webinar
Alyssa the SAT Expert’s #AskAlyssa webinars guide you through free resources that most parents - and college counselors! - never see. Watch a previous webinar and go through these resources side-by-side with Alyssa. Read more…
Compare College Options Template
So you’re in! Now, how do you decide which college to attend? Our free template helps you organize your college options and make an informed decision that’s best for YOU. Read more…
College Information Session Questions
It can be hard to know what to ask to get the most out of your time at a college. Our questions list will help you get the answers you’re looking for! Read more…